Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Summer 2021 & Rip Cord

 Dear Leah and Logan,

After surviving a school year where you had to wear masks the entire year, we decided that we were going to maximize the summer as best we could. So made the following list...and if we could check off this list, no one would doubt how much fun we had:

When the middle of July came around, we ventured to Weidman, Michigan to see the cabin--a trip that we had been robbed of in 2020. 3 days of the cabin led to 3 days of cabin things including fishing, s'mores, and giant ice cream at Cool Dips. I'm so thrilled that you 2 got to spend another vacation with GiGi. You're creating great memories with your great grandmother, and that's super rare and special.

On Monday, July 12, we took our trip to Michigan Adventure, only this time, both of you were tall enough to ride every single ride in the park. Our day started with Shivering Timbers included Thunderhawk...but we ended it with a grand finale of sorts. With 1 hour until closing time, you 2 had to map out your rides. And you chose.....drum roll..... Rip Cord.   Where they pulled us 190 ft in the air and sailed us over a small pond after Logan pulled the Rip Cord.  For about 45 seconds, I had the greatest adrenaline rush of my life as the 3 of us felt like super heroes.  Video here.

After roller coasters and rip cords, we travelled north to Traverse City and ate fudge before heading even more north for the Mackinac Bridge. There we ate at Weinerlicious and had even more fudge. 

Weinerlicious, near the Macinaw Bridge, 07.21

Our trip concluded with a perfect day at Sleeping Bear Dunes and North Bar Lake...we relaxed and skipped rocks and jumped waves, and our road-trip vacation ended perfectly.

I'm happy to say that we crossed off almost the entire list. You guys liked tubing so much that learning to ski was cast to the side. Nonetheless, the summer was one to remember!!

Love, Dad

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