Monday, May 20, 2019

Navarre Beach Spring '19

Dear Leah and Logan,

Another Spring Break is in the books!

And with another trip to Navarre Beach, came a whole new set of adventures- including up close dolphins.

You 2, me, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Caleb, Amanda, & Dylan all piled into a condo on Saturday, March 23, 2019, and the beach fun began immediately.  Our condo provided us with 2 chairs, 15 ft from the ocean, so we were able to set up camp every day.

On Tuesday, I surprised everyone by renting a pontoon and we get to cruise the bay for the day. We swam and we fished, and found a deserted island to explore.  Logan caught a big catfish, too! But the excitement came on the path home when Leah spotted dolphins. We saw a family of 4 dolphins and they swam around our pontoon for 30 minutes. I had shrimp in a bucket for bait, so we were able to keep them around for a bit as they played.  We got the boat back late, but it was worth it.

Pontoon Crew

Kayaking with Uncle Caleb
On Wednesday, I thought I'd try something new for everyone and get a kayak...which turned out to be quite the adventure in the ocean. After a few failed launch attempts (in front of everyone at the beach) we eventually got the hang of it.  I'm pretty sure Uncle Caleb had the most fun because he wanted to paddle way past the Navarre Pier.
Last Day of Spring Break '19 

Leah, let's not forget that you got to catch up with Kinsley for your annual beach hangout.  Kinsley hung out with all day Sunday and joined us for a walk on the Navarre Pier where you 2 made friends with a grumpy old Pelican.

Promise me something- that when you're older, especially my age (41 as of today), you'll pencil in some beach trips with each other...and maybe invite your dad!

Always wear sunscreen!



Navarre Pier

Our New Pelican Friend

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