Monday, March 5, 2018

Family Preds Night Out

Dear Leah and Logan,

For Christmas 2017, Daddy got our entire family the same Christmas Present: tickets to a Predators hockey game in January 2018. So on a unseasonably warm Saturday night, we all went downtown in Nashville and had a fun night enjoying the city.

Uncle Mike picked our restaurant- Dick's Last Resort.  Now, depending on what age you read this- the night might be even funnier now.  At Dick's, everyone gets a funny hat from the sarcastic didn't get the jokes on the hats, you 2 just thought it was hilarious that everyone got a hat. The other part of Dick's is that the waiter tries to be difficult, funny, and sometimes rude- all on purpose. So the rouse is funnier if you don't know what (which Grandma and Daniela didn't know). Hilarity ensued and we got lots of laughs out of all your uncles.

After all the dinner laughs, we finally made it to the game! You two cheered and danced and learned some great Preds chants!   The night reminded me how important family is and that we should do more stuff together more often!

I'm proud of you both as Preds fans!!

Leah and Logan's first Preds game together. 1/20/18



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