Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Screech of a Boy

Dear Leah and Logan,

It dawned on me today that Logan has perfected the art of the 2 y/o boy screech. Wow. It is loud to a point it hurts your ears. Logan, your scream is your natural instinct for 'fight of flight' and it usually comes 2 or 3 at at time. Whenever you're in a situation that is displeasing...such as getting sprayed with the hose, a kid taking a toy away, or anytime else you feel simply scream. And it's a scream that can be heard around the world. For sake of our ears, I hope it's just a phase that will end when you're 3, but for now, we'll all just cover our ears.

My boss Tony gave us a cd full of Disney and Pixar movies, so you guys have been having some long movie sections lately. Wreck-it Ralph and Little Mermaid seem to be your favorites, but there is also Toy Story 1-3 on there. I'm a big fan of Wreck-it Ralph, though, because it has several references to 80's video games :)

I love watching how you take interest in all the characters and use them to boost your own vocabulary. Leah, you hit me with a new 'big' word every week...but my favorite might be when you called grandma a genius.

Gi-Gi and Aunt Karen will be here next week!

I love you two!

Love, Daddy

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